Credit crunch getting to you? Threat of Redundancy looming? Take comfort in the news that Uber Photographer, Annie Leibovitz has pawned the copyright to her entire canon of work, so that she can raise $16 million to pay of her debts. $16 million! Not a figure to be sniffed at (Cocaine is so '80's?) and one that you will definitely not find stuffed down the back of the sofa (or Settee, for our older viewers). As if that isn't bad enough, the interest rates on these Art - as collateral, loans range from 6% to 16%. It may be a while before the "F's" stop in Casa Leibovitz.
"Start every day with a smile and get it over with" ~W.C. Fields
All that, just to get to the F-Stop pun.
It was a good 'un, though :)
I......Thank you (cue applause)
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