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Friday, 13 February 2009

Mould in the Marriage

Free thinkers: stand up and be counted. Are you struggling to put your finger on the reason for the decline of Marital longevity? Are you still pondering If the answer is no, then, perhaps, your lateral think tank requires some assistance. The good people at the BFI have put together a DVD of some of the educational films, dating back to 1917, that were created to explain the mysteries of Sex and Marriage to teenagers. Sex and Marriage - together?
Reminds me of that old Rock 'n' Roll joke:
Mother: "What do want to be when you grow up, Johnny?"
Johnny: "I wanna be a Rock and Roll star"
Mother: "Now, Now, Johnny, You can't be both"

In this 1932 clip, the reason for the nuclear family's demise is staggeringly obvious - Mould! Yes, mould not only teaches us how to attain our soul mate, but, also, that incest should be avoided and a "cousinly embrace" is the appropriate behaviour, should you find yourself tempted by the allure of your own bloodline.

Forget Music. If Mould be the Food of Love; Grow on....

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