In no particular order, 10 songs that make you grasp a pair of imaginary drumsticks and give it some Ringo......
1: ELT ~ Wilco.
A full on, four to the floor. slice of Power Pop.
2: Tomorrow Never Knows ~ The Beatles.
Sampled by the world, his wife and the Pope, probably.
3: Teenage Wasteland ~ The Who.
2 for the price of 1. A Rock belter with a Hoe -Down to finish.
4: She Sells Sanctuary/Times like these ~ The Cult/Foo Fighters.
Basically the same song, but, Grohl is let off the hook because it's impossible not to love the man.
5: Dreamin' ~ Blondie.
Apart from being one of the hardest hitting drummers ever, Clem Burke was/is also as cool as Fuck.
6:Beginning to Get to Me ~ Snow Patrol.
Say what you want about Lightbody and the boys, but, this track just makes me want to destroy anything with the name Remo on it.
7: Here comes your Man ~ Pixies.
A '50's - esque, bop along dressed up in a Alt. Rock skin
8: Ring your Bell ~ The Band.
If you have lost your Groove - Enquire within.
9: Don't lie to Me ~ Big Star.
If this doesn't get you flailing about, then buy a wooden box - because you're already dead.
10: DrumBattle ~ Buddy Rich and Animal from The Muppets.
Not a song per se, but, a great piece of '70's TV all the same. "When I play a Theatre, I PLAY the Theatre".
"Animal" from The Muppet Show was actually Ronnie Varell. Full blurb here:
I'll leave it you others to make jokes about the sound he made as he fell down the stairs to the great kick kick drum in the sky.
Oh, and I'll be Mr snop and go with the classic stuff that Elvin Jones played on.
Plus the guy who taps his feet to, and successfully annoys, everything the youngsers on the 261 bus from Lewisham to Bromley like to play at 100dB minimum. They sure as shinola don't like 40-somethings groovin.
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