Apologies for the recent dearth of output, but, the lack of my muse, coupled with the good weather has kept me away from 'Tinternet.
Anyhoo, what is about peoples obsession with sell by dates on food? We never had these when I was growing up, we just used our (common) senses. If it looked, smelt or felt bad, then chances are it was bad and it hit the trash accordingly. Nowadays, Mrs T is like a Stormtrooper where these dates are concerned. I can't believe that nobody has invented a reminder device that you attach to food and then it screams blue murder once the expiry date is reached. Then again, I never watch the Home Shopping channels (I am in gainful employment), so it probably does exist. Mrs T is not for changing and items who have outstayed their alloted timeshare in the fridge/food cupboard are quickly dispatched with great gusto - Do not pass Go, Do not collect £200 and Do not leave your disease ridden ass in my larder.
All of this "Zero Tolerance" stance, whilst very amusing, does have me slightly worried. Perhaps part of the reason for my recent bout of insomnia, is that I am scared that I may awake to find myself being dumped, headfirst into the trash can, whilst the good lady makes space for someone slightly fresher.
The supermarkets love Mrs T.
1 comment:
Sell By dates or no, we have food in our larder (right at the back, where I'm scared to venture) that has been there since we moved in, I'm sure.
A tin of Ye Olde Porke Sausages In Brinee is an obvious candidate.
I won't mention the fridge.
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