Checking out the new edition of Uncut magazine, I thumbed through their Bob Dylan fold out, giveaway, freebie, what have you and was struck by how much his Bobness now resembles Vincent Price. All that was needed was for Bob to be holding a jar of Haywards pickled onions and the transformation would have been complete.
I have never really got Dylan; sure I own his albums and am particularly fond of "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan", but, as great a songwriter as he is, I have never really gone Ape over his stuff. I think his songs lend themselves very well to cover versions, but, Sir Bob's voice has never really yanked my particular crank. I went to see Heir Zimmerman at Brixton, about 12 years ago and he was in his "why don't I sing like a Jewish Cantor" period. All reports allude to the fact that Bob has a great, if somewhat dry, sense of humour, but, there's having a laugh and then there's having the piss out of people. Suffice to say, 'twas not a great evening.
Led Zeppelin fall into the same category for me, in so much as I own their records, but, I am still waiting for the hammer (of the Gods) to fall. I still persevere and give the albums a spin every now and then, in the hope that all will be revealed. I know it's all a matter of taste and yadda yadda, but, there is one so called "Classic" Album that, I am afraid, will never reach me and that is "Horses" by Patti Smith. Many years and many spins later and I still reach the same conclusion - Shite!
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