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Monday, 2 March 2009

Staring it down

I must admit that I feel I am in a minority. The Media Circus that is "Jade Goody" does not sit well with me. I'm not sure if this a reflection of my own fears about mortality or a real objection to her Death being played out in public. I understand the arguments for the 24/7 coverage, the financial security for the family left behind and the hopefully, positive exposure the disease will receive, but, it just seems to blur the lines of reality for me. I guess my main issue is with the programme makers. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that their hearts are in the right place, I cannot get past the words Marketing and Merchandise. Ambulance Chasers, by any other name.


Masher said...

I really don't care about Jade Goody dying. Sounds callous, I know, but thousands of women die of cancer each year and gain not a single column inch in the newspapers. Jade commands multi-page spreads, because she is a so called 'celebrity'.

I don't think the money is needed as I read a while back that she is already VERY wealthy.

I don't think the exposure is needed : surely we are all well aware of cancer and the need - especially for women - to have regular check-ups.

Like you, I think it's a media frenzy, whipped up because the tabloids wrongly believe that we all love and adore Jade and her reality TV brethren.

But it's not all down to the media. Look at the contrast between Jade and Wendy Richard, who died recently from cancer. She chose to retreat from the limelight and died quietly and with dignity.

I bear Jade no ill-will at all, but I don't know her; she has no impact on me and my family and so, to me, she is just another sad cancer statistic.

Anonymous said...

Hmm Mick: I think you're going for that "ritgeous indignation dollar" - I hear there's good money in that...

Mick Terry said...

Damn, I've been rumbled!