I never cease to be disappointed in people. Do I expect too much from them. Is my idea of friendship so radically different to theirs. I'm not talking about the "Wouldn't the world be a beautiful place, if we could all just get along" Hippy bullshit, but, the respect that friendship should afford.Recently, an old friendship has hit the rocks. No names, no pack drill, but, suffice to say that the old "you never really know anyone" adage seems to ring true. On the odd occasion that this scenario raises it's ugly head, the temptation to scream "never again" is very real. To give in to these feelings is extremely dangerous, as apathy and indifference that way lie. I would like to think that I am made of "Good Friend" material and that my stock is worth investing in. Certainly, this what I see as the main ingredients required for the melting pot. Sorry, it all got a bit heavy there, for a moment. Time for some light relief, methinks?
Cue Classic Alan Partidge:
Alan: Take a pinch of white man, wrap him up in black skin what’s the next bit?
Michael: Add a dash of blue blood.
Alan: Add a dash of blue blood.
Michael: And a little biddy bit of a Red Indian boy.
Alan: And something else in Geordie.
Michael: This hasn’t been cleaned out for years. Hey, there’s a little Japanese soldier in here still fighting the war!
Alan: Ha ha. You daft racist. Curly black and kinky, mixed with yellow chinky. Can you still say that?
Michael: Oh, aye. You’re all right with that, like, because it’s a race of people, and it’s a food.
Alan: Chinese. Yeah, you’re absolutely right, yeah.
Anyhoo, what I am really trying to get across ,is the fact that some friendships are transitory and some are in it for the long haul. Either way, just remember it's up to you to be the "Best Friend". As for me, am I bitter? No way, dude, but, I did write a cracking song about it though!
I Rock........
I always think that a true friend is someone you may not see for weeks...months even but the minute you run into trouble it's like they were always there.
Hey Mick it's Steph. Hope you are well...I'm loving your blog...makes me smile :o)
...I still think about our mutual friend from time to time. Was really shocked when I heard the sad news.
Hey Steph, sorry only just saw your comment. Hope all is good with you. I also think about the big man a bit (a lot, if I'm honest. I'm sure he's up there causing just as much mischief as ever... best, Mick
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