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Monday, 7 November 2011

Happy Birthday to "The Grown Ups": Safe From Sound

As a way of celebrating the first birthday of my debut album, The Grown Ups, I thought I would write a little "behind the scenes" feature about each of the songs on the LP. You can listen, download or buy the album over at www.mickterry.co.uk
The entries in a personal diary should never be underestimated. A remark that seems frivolous, off the cuff or, even, throwaway today can carry more weight in 25 years time than you could ever possibly imagine. When I kept my diary in 1982, I was, unwittingly, fashioning my own little time capsule. As the dust settled on my weighty tome, my life began in earnest, albeit, undocumented. Milestones came and went, friendships waxed and waned and, somewhere along the way, the boy became a man.
When I began to re-read my diary back in 2008, it took a while to comprehend just how powerful the written word can be. I think those 365 pages revealed more about me than all of my alcohol-fuelled, pop-psychology, soul searching sessions put together. I also realised that because no one else had ever read the diary, the life of the boy I used to be had been preserved and he was still very much alive within those pages. As I journeyed through days past, each entry played out like a Super 8mm movie in slow motion; minutes for hours, hours for days and days for months. It was exactly how I remembered it, but, completely different. The same, yet, changed forever. In the end, nothing is ever quite like you remember it and we tend to bend the truth more often than we would probably care to admit. For, even though we live in a world where instant recall, fast forward and rewind are all readily available at the click of a button, we are unable to apply that technology to the one thing that needs it the most; our memory.

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