Greetings Ladies and Germs
Having recently started playing (or trying to, at least) the Piano again, I have realised that I have become what can only be described as "Stuck". I have no formal music training and my basic understanding of Music Theory could be written on the back of a matchbox and still leave enough space for a shopping list. So, some Piano lessons are in order. Having tried "Lessons" before, about 10 years ago, I was rather apprehensive as it was quite clear from my progress (or lack of) back then that "Lessons" were not for me. However, the Stuck needed un-sticking and following a few fruitless phone calls to various Tutors, a friend mentioned that there was a Piano teacher living a few doors away from them. After a brief telephone conversation with the man in question, it was decided that it would be best to meet in person to discuss my present state of stickiness.
So, on a very damp Monday morning (is there any other kind?) I made a visit to Sebastian. Now, as the name may suggest, Seb is somewhat Posh. Not snooty Posh, but, mid to late thirties, Well educated, Classically trained, slightly eccentric, warm and very funny, Posh. Sitting down behind his Steinway Grand Piano, I ham-fistedly showed him where I was at (Man!). To my surprise, I had not actually been doing anything fundamentally wrong, but, I just needed to understand what I was doing in order to move forward. Over the course of the next 2 hours we drank tea, discussed everything from Bach to The Beatles ("Do you ever feel like the Beatles are dying in the wrong order?"), discovered I can't sight read for sh*t and then very, very slowly I began to hear the sound of a light bulb being switched on.
Towards the end of our session, Seb said " Did I mention that I have worked with George Martin?" WTF! I nearly spat my Tea all over his beautiful Steinway! It transpires that when George (I'm on first names terms by vague association, you see) was working on his "In My Life" record towards the end of the 1990's, Seb actually played Harpsichord on the version of "Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite" which featured "The Big Yin" on vocals , no less. So, there you have it - I know a Man who knows George Martin, who, in turn, knows/knew The Beatles!
Therefore, with Seb, obviously, being the 6th, I'm practically the 7th Beatle.
Peas and Fluff,
If you are the seventh Beatle, then let's hope that they ARE dying in the right order!
Love your "About Me" pic - you disguised as FT disguised as ET!
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