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Sunday, 16 November 2008

Mellowed Ron?

Greetings Ladies and Germs

"What's a Mellotron?" I hear you ask. Well, for starters it's not Jeff Bridges bogarting a Joint. It is, of course, one of the earliest sampling keyboards produced way back in the 60's. Still not with me? Think of the intro to "Strawberry Fields Forever" - ah yes, now you 've got it. Well, those wobbly sounding Flutes at the beginning were played on the mighty Mellotron keyboard.

Now as any Beatles obsessed Musician will tell you, that sound is almost like the Holy Grail when it comes to wearing your influences on your sleeve (not quite sure where Jeff Beck wears his). So, with that requirement in mind I got to thinking that the Tron sound would sound really cool on the middle eight of my new song, "Hoxton Song". Armed with the new GForce M-Tron Pro software instrument, based on the Mellotron and it's many incarnations (Optigan, Birotron anyone?) I set about adding the hallowed flutes to the track - some 4 hours later it was all done, when I say 4 hours what I really mean is 1 hour to record the Mellotron parts and 3 hours wallowing in the majesty of tape based sampling. Now can I interest you in a small slice of Brass B revised, with perhaps a side of Chamberlin Harp Arpeggios? No? Perhaps Sir would prefer the Black Sabbath Choir instead?

Anyhoo, you can check out the song at http://www.myspace.com/mickeyterry and for those non-practising musicians in the audience, the middle eight of a song is the bit which is neither the verse or the chorus. It is also supposed to be eight bars in length, but, Hey, who's counting?

Best regrets,



Masher said...

Ahh, the honour of being first to leave a comment on your new bloggy thing, Mick.

I quite liked your Hoxton Song (intrigued by the name) and I recognised the melotron as it sounded like you'd lifted it straight out of Strawberry Fields. Well to me it did. I'm not very moosical.

And you made me go on SpaceFace too, ya bugger!

Toaster said...

Well, let me be second. But that's only to stop it saying "1 comments".


Mick Terry said...

Mark, thank you for being my first virgin in many a year. You know that Space face is where all the ex Headend managers go to die, don't you?

PM, Thank you for being number 2 - no, not in that way Ashby.......